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OD love the
world so much that he send Jesus to die for them. Through God hates sin, he
loves the sinner. He distinguishes the sinner from his actions and loves him
anyhow. That the only reason he could look beyond thier faults and pay the
ultimate price the death of his son on the cross, to save them.
This is how the lord axpect you to treat those around you. The bible say
should be "...imitators of God, as dear children"...(Ephesians 5:1).
when youlive with the consciousness of this reality, there wouldn't be anything
that anyone could do to offend or make you bitter and malicious. you'll become
gracious and merciful towards others.
Learn ti cover other with your umbrella of love! No matter how nasty they may
get toward you, let your love overwhelm thier negative action and ovrlook thier
imperfections. Remember, you're like your heavenly Father, therfore learn to separate
people from thier action, or thier wrong doing.
don't react or respond to the people on the basis of thier wrong or hurtful
word and actions towards you. Remember that people have thier imperfections,
which is my God gave us His world to remould our character. Even after they've
been born again, they don't become perfect in one day. Therefore, love people
for who they are, and not for what they do
Dear Father, help me to see people the way you see
them. Rather than see thier flaws and faults, of them that beautiful partof
them! help me always to rise above offences as i cover other with the umbrella
of your love flowing from the castle of my heard, i, Jesus Name. Amen.
Further Study
1john 4:10-11; 1corinthian 13:7
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